wool and spinning Erin James wool and spinning Erin James

Why I'm so excited to have found " Shaniko Wool"

Heidi and I were at Convergence in Knoxville last year when we befriended a mill from NC who introduced us to this lovely fiber blend. It was described to us a very well cared for breed whose wool is a combination of Merino and Rambouillet! We thought it was absolutely dreamy and I have so enjoyed using this roving in some of our spinning fiber subscriptions from time to time and more recently these fun “ tweed” style rovings. We also think it’s a dream to spin and have enjoyed using this tweed roving ourselves for the handspun yarn subscription. This has quickly become a favorite of my moms to spin which is why I wanted to look more into it.

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wool and spinning Erin James wool and spinning Erin James

Raw wool processing tips.

wool processing tips- washing raw wool- how to clean wool for spinning

In this blog post, we will discuss some helpful tips for processing raw wool. Processing wool is a vital step in turning this natural fiber into yarn or other textile products. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced wool enthusiast, these tips will guide you through the process:

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