Why I think We have the best spinning fiber braid subscription

Yes I know this is s wild claim to make. There are so many options out there and so many great choices that I’m sure I should be more diplomatic and weigh all of the pros and cons for you. However when Im typing this we’ve been in the spinning fiber braid subscription game for 5+ years so I feel like I have a thing or two to say about it. I have really come to love our spinning fiber and yarn subscriptions but the very first one we ever had was for spinning fiber braids. This was a total shot in the dark with myself and our previous dye master Christina Mossaad. She has since left us to work full time work with Alight Handwovens her braid child of fantastic rainbow woven baby wraps. However she used to be our head dyed artist before we branched out to having a team of dye artist and fiber blenders here at CHY. She often would have extra dye left in her vats when she was working and we thought it would be fun to play around with having a little subscription each month. We started with 5 lucky people every month because we felt like that was all we could handle with our already busy schedules. I would have some USA small milled wool that supported small farms sent to her studio every month and she would use her left over dye to create what I thought were masterpieces of wool. The colors were so vivid and the dye technique was so unique I was thrilled to be able to offer to our customers ( the lucky 5) something really cool each month. The best part was that this didn’t just support me and my family business but also Christina and her family business. We were both work from home moms with little children running around and needing things all of the time so having an extra stream of income that would fit in with our schedules and lives was a big deal for both of us. We started out making all of our braids on wool from Small USA mills that supported small farms and I’m pound to say that has continued to this day. Yes we could get cheaper wool in bulk from the more typical places but it was really important to me to support not just our small family bussiness but the farms and mills. I felt like this really made it something special. Over the past 5 years as we all know inflammation has gotten crazy and the cost of everything has really gone up. American wool keeps taking a hit and I really want to do everything I can to support this industry. So when you subscribe to our spinning fiber braid subscription you are not just putting a vote of confidence in CHY as a small bussiness but also supporting the small farms and mills that we buy from. We now have a team of multiple independent dye artist who we rotate though each month. This not only gives our braids a rotation of style but also helps to spread the money and the love around from month to month. Yes I know that you could put your money towards the pre-mixed fiber roving blends that you may even be able to get cheaper but we so apreaciate you putting your trust and $$$ in us to create you something really special each month. We just love as a staff picking and dreaming up different color ways from bold to subtle each month. Sometimes we’re feeling color blocked braids perfect for fractal chain ply spinning and other times they are marbled and speckled and anything in between. I really hope that everyone who gets a dyed spinning fiber braid from us has a great time trying something new. While we do try to keep to soft and popular wools like low micron super fine merino we also use a fabulous Rambouillet base as well as a mix of Targhee and Corriedale from time to time.

My Dad always told me that you get to vote with your money when you buy something and you’re voting for the values that you believe in and every time we get a new subscriber I don’t take that lightly. We truly appreciate every person who choose to have fun with us and treat themselves to a monthly fiber surprise.

Above is the beautiful work from my friend Brianna who is the blogger and instagramer @lovinglygrown she uses the #LGPlanyourspin on instagram to map out exactly how she uses hand dyed spinning fiber braids ( many from our subscription ) including this really cool one “April Showers” Please follow her work for knowledge and inspiration.

Here are more examples of happy customers yarn creations over the years on instagram. I just love seeing all of the different yarns people spin from our spinning fiber braids. That’s the best part is seeing everyone’s different style highlighted with the same monthly spinning fiber.

If you would like to try one of our spinning fiber braids please use the code INEEDNEWFIBER for 30% off your first month of our spinning fiber subscription

Have you fallen down the cottage industry rabbit hole yet? Well, if not buckle up Alice and click the button below and sign up, then you can get ready for the most fun induction in the cult of all things yarn and fiber. This will include but is not limited to free yarn, free eBooks patterns, cube ponds in much more. You don't wanna miss out.

Erin James

Fiber artist

BA in Art Hisotry BS in Anthropology

From SC 


Perfection not required!


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