Some DIY yarn and fiber dyeing tips from Chromatic Dyenamics!

indie dyed fiber

To go with the release of our new rustic dyeable collection I have picked the brain of my favorite indie dyer Christina Mossaad.  She is the owner and fiber artist at Chromatic Dyenamics and one of our featured fiber artist here at CHY.  

chromatic dynamics

Tips for dying yarn at home

  • soak the fiber well in water
  • add vinegar and water to a dye dedicated pan or pot
  • add dye directly to the water with the yarn in it or paint the fiber as desired
  • Heat until dye is exhausted ( this can be done in a baking dish in the oven low on 280 degrees or in warm water in a pan on the stove. When the dye seems to be staying in the yarn then it is exhausted and won't absorb anymore. 
  • allow to cool to room temperature and rinse gently in cool water.
  • Don't shock the yarn by going from cold to hot or hot to cold.  All temperature changes should be done slowly.
  • You can get creative with dyes, try using Rit brand fabric dyes or easter egg dye or food coloring. 

This video shows me dyeing merino roving but you could use the same technique with merino handspun yarn, just use one pan. 

You can also paint the yarn by soaking it in water and vinegar, squeeze out the extra water and lay it out on some plastic wrap.  You can then paint on the dye where you want it with foam brushes like these. 

Erin James

Fiber artist

BA in Art Hisotry BS in Anthropology

From SC

Knox rocks, the Retropolitan craft fair, and The Maker City


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