Spin her free with Crafty Housewife Yarns

spin her free

Having just finished our 12 Days of Christmas Spin along, which was a hoot and had great participation I can’t wait to tell you about our newest spin along. Since I’m a dealer for SpinOlution ( your favorite I hope) I was excited to see that the company would be the exclusive sponsor for the “ Spin Her Free” initiative started by my friend and fellow fiber artist Ashley Martineau. The long and short of it is you will register and donate $25 all of which goes to charity to help end sex trafficking of women and children and we all spin in January and the company will do a random drawing on February 1st and one lucky spinner will win a brand new SpinOlution Monarch! I would personally love to win one so I’m spinning too! Drop Spinners are welcome too! So that’s the official run down with the company but since we have such a fun group of spinners here at CHY I figured we’d make it a bit more fun for those who want to hang out with us. We’ll probably iron out a few more details as they come but I was thinking let's do like TDF and have some fun categories. Now I can’t afford to give away a monarch but I can hook people up with some fiber prizes for different categories. We’ll do some spinning and sharing in January on both our facebook group and Ravelry group. (We are typically more active on Facebook but we’ll do both like TDF)

If you’d like to join team #chyspinherfree ( gotta have that instagram tag for the young folks) here’s your steps.

  1. Click here to learn the official rules and sign up.

  2. Click here for Facebook or here for Ravelry and join a one of our groups and introduce yourself.

  3. Start getting some fiber together. We’ll try to have some official team colors like we did for TDF but in the mean time we have some great options on our site. ( You can use whatever fiber you have in stash though)

  4. Hang out and give your feed back in groups on categories and have fun!

spin her free

Need more info on SpinOlution wheels check out my wheel guide here or the wheels on my site here.

Thank you to all of the fellow crafty misfits who make this all so fun. Let’s go raise some money for a good cause!!

Erin James

Fiber artist

BA in Art Hisotry BS in Anthropology

From SC 


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