The Unexpected Secret Weapon of Small Businesses: Customer Service that Doesn’t Suck

customer service tips to grow you small business

The Unexpected Secret Weapon of Small Businesses: Customer Service that Doesn’t Suck

Picture this: You’re on your third cup of coffee, scrolling through the abyss of online stores looking for that perfect something. You finally find it, but, uh-oh, there’s a snag. Maybe it’s the wrong size, color, or it's arrived looking like it's been through a saga you'd rather not be a part of. You reach out to customer service, fingers crossed, hoping this doesn't turn into another "Let me speak to your manager" moment.

But surprise, surprise, they're actually... nice? Efficient? Dare I say, helpful? Suddenly, the heavens part, angels sing, and you're left thinking, "Wow, I'll definitely shop here again."

Welcome to the not-so-secret society of Small Businesses with Killer Customer Service: The Unsung Heroes of the Shopping World.

Why Consistent Customer Service Is the Savviest of Business Moves

Let's get real for a second. In the colossal ocean of online and local businesses, everyone is trying to hook that big, shiny customer fish with flashy deals and one-of-a-kind products. But here’s the deal with out stellar service to back it up you will lose customers faster than you can attract them.

Think about it. No matter how niche your indie bookstore is or how snarky and relatable your online boutique's product descriptions are, if your customer service is not reliable then you’ve got a big problem.

Problems and issues are inevitable but if you’re already set up with tools like a card in the package with an easy way to get ahold of you before they leave you a bad review online and service that goes above and beyond with out making your customer feel like they are having to beg you to make it right or that somehow you think it’s their fault you’ll be off to a great start.

No matter how great your service or product is if people can’t count on you to show up when you say you will or not reschedule every time the wind blows then none of that will matter.

Brew Your Own Magic Potion of Customer Service Excellence

Here’s the skinny: Customer service is your golden ticket. It’s what makes customers stick around like they’re super-glued to your brand. Here’s how to not suck at it:

  1. Listen : Your customers' feedback is golden, see what they really need to be reliable.

  2. Be as Reliable as That Favorite Pair of Jeans: The one that makes your butt look good, yeah. Consistency is key.

  3. Turn Oooops into Woooops: Made a mistake? Own it, fix it, and then dazzle them with how you handle it.

  4. Treat ‘Em Like They’re the Main Character: Because to them, they are. Make every interaction feel personalized and genuine.

Because here's the thing, ladies – in a world where you can be anything, be the small business with the customer service that's so good, it turns mistakes into a reason to love your brand even more.

Remember, whether you’re slinging the best tacos this side of the Mississippi or curating a collection of horror niche t-shirts, your business’s vibe attracts your tribe. Make sure your customer service is part of that vibe.

Want to Learn More

Learn more about chasing your own passion as a female entrepreneur. Check out my book below. Paper back and Kindle

Erin James

Fiber artist

BA in Art Hisotry BS in Anthropology

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