Why Local matters
Well here on CHY Ya'll probably hear me ramble a lot about where our artist and farmers are. I think that it's not only import to shop at your LYS ( local yarn shop) which it totally is but also to be mindful of the whole process. Now I"m not saying that you should throw in the towel on anything that's not made at the farm down the road, there are many wonderful options form all around this big world of ours and that's half the fun, BUT wouldn't it be nice to go into a local shop ( or online cough cough) and be able to find something that wasn't in every other yarn shop. Just recently I was in Denver on vacation with the husband and we spent a good while walking around with our gps thing to find this little yarn shop downtown. Now when we found it i peered in the window, It wasn't open and could tell that it just had the same ole same ole sitting next to some lack luster purses. Needless to say I was much happier when we found "Fancy Tiger Crafts" later that day. This shop was the total opposite and pretty close to exactly what I would have if I had a brick and mortar shop. Lots of cool blends, wool that was gasp, not merino... etc. Any way I digress I think that as a fiber friend, be you a knitter, crocheter , weaver, general yarn fondler you must already have an interest in the past and perhaps a more simple way of doing things. I think we owe it to this age old craft that's been around since people crawled out of caves and started making rope out of leaves to perhaps pay a bit more and support the local farmer or artist. I think this opens up so many different avenues for invention with your final projects anyway. This is why I will continue to try to find the best supplies and the best fiber artist to help with our yarns and fibers while trying to keep the prices at a reasonable mark. If we can't keep it appealing to a buyer and crafter than the whole deck of cards folds. So I'll be adding clips as I get them to this blog on some of our farmers and suppliers as I find them To kick it off heres a silly little compilation from "Crashing pines farm” Home of Barb Queen of the Alpacas, sheep and drop spindles. My girls and I just love getting to go visit and this is where a good bit our our supplies come form right up the road in Lancing TN. I have also included a video from Tailspin Farms where we get all our our fabulous Angora fiber and yarn from.
“If you are a fiber artist or farmer and would like to work together please contact me at erin@craftyhousewifeyarns.com”