Get excited for the Smokey Mountian Fiber Arts Fest

spinolution pollywog at the fiber fest

Well folks it’s time coming weekend. April !2-14. The Smokey Mountian Fiber Arts Festival is held every year in Townsend TN at the Great Smokey Mt. Hertiange Center. It’s a Gorgous location I really enjoyed going last year. This is the 10th Annaversary year of the festival which is hosted every year by the Townsend spinners guild( our knoxville guild volunteers). Every year you can look to sign up for classes to further your love of the fiber arts, shop from many wonderful vendors, check out some livestock and generally have a wonderful time. There are many places to camp or rent cabins in the area too if you’re not local.

Check out this great news clip about this years festival

You can come hang out with me and Demo the Spinolution Bullfrog on Saturday. I’ll be hanging out with my yarn and wheels at my Friend Alyssa at the “Unilded Hands” booth. You will know her if you’ve been to some of the CHY booths at the makers city market in the Old City Market. We’ve enjoyed hanging out making yarn before and I’m sure this weekend will be no different. She sells lovely spinning fiber batts and hand dyed yarns and I believe she has a few more surprises up her sleeve for this festival. She’ll be there all 3 days with the Spinolution Pollywog if you’d like to give it a try and I’ll be there with the Spinolution Bullfrog and some handspun on Saturday.

Erin James

Fiber artist

BA in Art Hisotry BS in Anthropology

From SC

DIY fiber blending tools. Don't get your hackles up! Why hackles are great and how to make one.


For the love of chunky yarn