How to Needle Felt-A Blog for Beginners

Getting Started with Needle Felting: what I've learned so far

Written and Designed by Brittany of @Bee _ Ritt _ Fiber_ Arts on Instagram Please follow her for more inspiration and creativity with the fiber arts. You can even buy some of her gorgeous art yarn weavings at her Website .

For months I have been intrigued by needle felting. There seems to be something so soothing about stabbing wool over and over and creating an adorable creature. Of course my fiber pursuits have been endless and I wasn't sure if I really needed ANOTHER hobby. But finally I gave in and took the leap. If you are thinking about learning too here are some helpful things I've found along the way:

  1. Buy the right equipment.

This is the most important. You can do needle felting with cheap equipment, but I wouldn't recommend it. At least not for very long. I started by buying the cheapest set of needles and foam pad I could find at my big box craft store. It was good to whet my appetite and see if that was really a hobby I wanted to invest in but the cheap supplies were not great. A few days later I made a trip to my specialized local yarn store and picked up their suggested needles and a brush mat. Immediately I could tell the difference in quality and performance. 

  1. Try different techniques

Seriously try them all. Felting is an entire world on its own. You can combine techniques to make a truly unique project, but definitely try as many techniques as you can. You may find you like one more than another. Or you may try one technique that feels really difficult and get discouraged from continuing your learning journey. Try them all! 

  1. Study up on your wools

Not all wools felt the same way. Some are much better for needle felting, so do some research and set yourself up for success. This is also a good time to stock up on other fun feltables, such as silk and wool locks.

  1. Have fun and just go for it

As I say about all fiber arts, don't get caught up in "following the rules". Don't be afraid to experiment and try things out. Watch tutorials if they help get you started, but don't be afraid to try your own way of doing things as well. You may end up developing your own technique that allows you to create even more unique art.

  1. You will inevitably stab yourself at least once

This may not be news but needle felting can be extremely dangerous. Keep a stash of bandages near. You can invest in fingercots to protect yourself but I found them to be cumbersome. Just be careful and always watch where your needle is going. Also, always always ALWAYS stab the needle straight down. If it's at an angle you risk bending or even breaking your needles (trust me from experience on this one). Also stabbing in another direction just hightens the risk of injury.

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Erin James

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