One Skein Patterns for Knitting and Crochet. Great for Hand Spun Yarn
I am a huge sucker for a one skein pattern. Working in the fiber arts I’m constantly having to shuffle and work on different things for different projects so when it comes to crafting for my own enjoyment I really love a project when I can just pick out that one cool skein that’s been calling my name and take with with me for car knitting or keeping my hands busy at my women’s bible study group.
I also love one skein pattern because they lead themselves very well to handspun. Many times as spinners or just collectors of fun lux yarn you’ll end up with one fabulous skein and no idea what to do with it. Spoiler Alert we have an entire E book dedicated to this problem called “ It’s Beautiful but what do I make with it”
I was inspired to make this little blog post because two of my favorite designers and friends Dawn of Twice Sheared Sheep and Angela of Little Monkey Designs decided they loved me and wanted to make a knit and crochet version of a 1 skein colorful beanie that could be used with one skein of handspun or hand dyed yarn. Dawn is actually a subscriber to our braid of the month club and her hat was inspired by one of her own yarns she spun from one of our past monthly braids.
Some of my favorite hand spun yarn projects
I wanted to link those two patterns here as well as some of our other favorites. I’d love to see what you make. We would love to celebrate your creations over at our facebook group ( the friendliest fiber group on the interwebs so I’ve been told many times)
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